
Showing posts from March, 2023

What is Biblical Studies?

 Biblical Studies generally includes three major disciplines: Old Testament, Biblical Theology, and New Testament/Early Christianity. It is certainly much more than just a reference to a chapter and a verse in an English translation of the Bible.  Old Testament Studies is about the text and history of the Hebrew Bible. Students and lecturers read the Old Testament in its original language and attempt to understand the history of Jewish thought. Considering that the Hebrew Bible covers thousands of years, students of Old Testament Studies will attempt to understand the historical events taking place at the time of the Biblical books to gain further insight as to the meaning of the scriptures.  Biblical Theology includes the study of key doctrines such as Baptism, the Lord's Table, and church government. It comprises the theology of both the Old and New Testaments.  The Study of New Testament Studies and Early Christianity are closely aligned. At some seminaries, the two are paired a

Biblical Reasons to Homeschool

  In a world of Post-COVID 19, many parents have started to ask themselves about whether or not they should homeschool. Indeed, many fathers and mothers have grown weary of their children learning about critical race theory and queer theory from public schools and universities.  Homeschooling or home education was the common form of education in many countries throughout the world until recently. In the Middle Ages, for example, many noble children were privately tutored. Even in the nineteenth century, whether it was by a parent or a private tutor, many young people received home education.  By now, some of you have probably guessed based on my previous posts on courtship and Family-Integration, that I support Christian families homeschooling their children. Now, I want to discuss why I believe homeschooling is Biblical. For those that cannot engage in home education, sending one's child to a conservative classical Christian school is another good option.  Proverbs 22: 6 tells us

Scripture and the Authority of Church Traditions

                                                                                                                                    Introduction:  It is frequent for many Fundamentalist ''Christians'' in today's society to say that nothing should be used but the Bible. Many of these heretics have completely rejected church history and have painted everything before the Protestant Reformation (or at least after the fourth century) as being ''The Dark Ages.'' To this religious group, the early Protestants were far too Catholic but the Baptists are the perfected denomination of church history.  Concerning their claim that nothing should be used but the Bible, I wish to refute that Biblically and historically in this post (as well as show their own hypocrisy concerning the matter). I will demonstrate Biblical evidence for the church has always held to traditions outside of the New Testament. Indeed, I wish to show that the ''Bible only''