
Showing posts from July, 2023

Christians Have a Moral Obligation to Conserve Creation

Historically, Eastern Christianity taught that the final resting place for believers shall be in the New Earth---which they have always interpreted as the restoration of this world. Especially for those who advocate this position, I think that this post will be relevant to them.  C. S. Lewis once said that Medieval people cared more for the earth than no modern people. Of course, to many evangelicals the importance of what the New Testament says on this subject is more important than Medieval practice towards creation. While Monks and Kings in the Middle Ages did much to preserve forests and other aspects of creation, we need to all be familiar with Early Christian thought on issues pertaining to the climate. For more information on the Medieval view of nature, check out the following link: What were the practices of Early Christians towards the Environment? Did they believe that Christ would soon come and rapture them