
Showing posts from November, 2023

The Eucharist in New Testament Christianity Part VIII

                                                                                                                              I. Introduction Today, the topic of paedocommunion is controversial. Many advocates of infant baptism, see it as a notable error-practice. It has been especially controversial in Reformed and Presbyterian Churches, with some on both sides of the aisle having strong views both ways.  Some argue that if one infant bpatizes, then in order to be consistent, one must also give Holy Communion to infants. However,  New Testament scholar N. T. Wright said, ''Once a child has been baptized, I see no major theological objection to that child receiving the Eucharist. As I said before, some of those little people may be a lot more ''full'' by the grace of God than many of the older ones. I'm happy to go with that, with proper, appropriate discipline*1.''  Wright admits, however, that the traditional practice of the Anglican Church in with

The Eucharist in New Testament Christianity Part VII

                                                                                                                                              I. Introduction So far, I have demonstrated that a literal belief in the Eucharist as the Body and Blood of Christ fits well with the prophecy of a sacrifice known among the Gentiles (Malachi 1: 11),  that there is a unique priesthood that not all Christians share (Romans 15), and that the New Testament teaches the Eucharist to be Christ Himself (John 6, 1 Corinthians 11). I have also demonstrated that a belief in a literal sacrifice of Christ is reconcilable with church history and Christian philosophy. Now, I wish to show that the job of presenting a Eucharist Sacrifice according to Scripture and Early Christian history is not for all believers, but a unique calling for the priesthood.  Interestingly enough, it was only the priest who served the elements of the Eucharist throughout most of church history. The Roman Catholic Church didn't e

The Eucharist in New Testament Christianity Part VI

                                                                            I. Introduction I believe that I have provided strong reasons from both Scripture and Christian philosophy to show that the Eucharist is the literal Body and Blood of Christ. When we turn to church history, however, specifically, the ancient church, the evidence from Historical Theology is further clear about the Eucharist being the actual Body and Blood of Christ.  An entire book could be written on the Early Church and the Eucharist. Many scholars of Early Christianity, agree, however, that the early unanimously supported the belief in the real presence of Christ at the Eucharist. It is also well known that many of them emphasized the Eucharist as the sacrifice of Christ's Body and Blood. In this post, I will merely provide a small overview of evidence from the ancient church to prove that it understood the Eucharist as a true sacrifice of Christ's Body and Blood.                                     

The Eucharist in New Testament Christianity Part V

                                                                 I. Introduction Francis Chan admitted that he was never instructed by the Master's Seminary (the seminary that he attended) that the Body and Blood of Christ was what was central to all church services until five hundred years ago. He also never learned from the Master's Seminary that All of this he learned in later years, and was shocked by the truths that he learned. Watch his three-minute video below: Tragically, Chan never learned that the altar, not the performance of one preacher, was the center of all church services from the New Testament until the Reformed Churches in the sixteenth century. Sadly, he is not the only one. Many Evangelical seminaries have ignored many passages in Scripture that pertain to the Eucharist and two thousand years of church history.  In this post, I will briefly use Christian philosophy to justify the Eucharist as the Body and Blood of

The Eucharist in New Testament Testament Christianity Part IV

                                                                                                                     I. Introduction: So far, I have demonstrated that the Old Testament Passover ended with Christ and a New Testament Sacrifice has replaced the old Jewish sacrifices (Malachi 1: 11). Now, I would like to prove further that the Eucharistic Sacrifice is a true sacrifice as it comes through a new priesthood, which began when the old ended.                                                                     II. The Priesthood in 1 Peter  Let me begin by noting some who object to a distinct New Testament priesthood offering the Eucharist Sacrifice will turn to 1 Peter 2. Here, they will see that Peter understands all Christians as part of the new priesthood. Does this not then disprove my arguments about Paul having unique priestly powers in Romans 15 concerning the Eucharist?  I think not. Look at the context of 1 Peter 1: 22-2:3. Although the passage does call us to holy livi

The Eucharist in New Testament Christianity Part III

                                                                                                                                                 I. Introduction: The Gospels were written after both the Old Testament and the Pauline Epistles. Since they concern the life and ministry of Christy, however, in some regards, they are even more important glimpses into the thoughts of Christ Himself than any other books in Scripture. Indeed, none of the Bible should be divorced from itself. The work of every good theologian should be to attempt to connect the Biblical theology of both the Old and New Testaments together, even in difficult places where there are perceived contradictions. Far too often, is the study of the Eucharist in most Evangelical churches simply a reference to one or two verses of the New Testament, without an understanding of both the Jewish Passover and the Hebrew Sacrifices of animals, both of which I connected to the New Testament Eucharistic Sacrifice in the previous

The Eucharist in New Testament Christianity Part II

                                                        I: The Passover in the Old Testament For the first post in this series, check out the following link: The Eucharist is central to the theology of Christianity. Our views of communion will affect so many other aspects of our faith. Indeed, Eucharistic theology is as essential and central to the very essence of Christianity as virtually any other doctrine.  Since not all the verses have been pasted onto this post, I encourage the reader to use a reliable Bible translation as a reference point through reading this post. I encourage them to consider and challenge my thoughts in light of Holy Scripture.  It's hard to have a serious theological discussion over most topics without referring to the Old Testament for even in places where Old Testament worship and practice are no longer relevant, without the Old Testament, we would not know that