The Evidence that Jesus was a Redhead

                                                                      1. Introduction:

 In a world where the left often upholds Liberal mainstream Judaism in Hollywood, but not Christianity, most Americans are exposed to thinking that Jews are all as they are portrayed in secular Hollywood films. Nowadays, many modern Americans are led to believe that Jesus was not white or black, and questioning this makes one a racist. As a result, modern art often depicts Jesus as darker than how He was historically portrayed in the artwork of Christendom. But as politically incorrect as it is, Jesus was actually white. This is not about racism, but simply affirming historical facts. Middle Eastern people are regarded as white, anyhow. Furthermore, Jesus was probably a redhead. Indeed, there is actually substantial evidence that Jesus was probably golden or redheaded. This is proven through the Old Testament, the New Testament, and Jewish and Christian history. 

                                                       II. Jews in the Old Testament

The Old Testament is the primary source mutually used by both Jews and Christians for information on the Israelites. As will now be discussed, it's quite likely that the majority of Abraham's descendants had red hair. 

When Esau was born, Scripture had him described as being red (Genesis 25: 25). Later, his brother, Jacob compared his face to the face of God (Genesis 33: 10). 

While being blessed by God, the Hebrews knew that God extended grace even to those outside of their communities. The Bible never endorsed opposition to interracial marriage. In fact, Moses's marriage to Zipporah in Numbers 12: 1 seems to defy any such opposition. Zipporah was a Midianiate, and according to many scholars, she was also likely black-skinned. 

It's also interesting to note that none of the church fathers condemned interracial marriage. The issue did not become a major issue in Christendom until more Europeans engaged in the slavery of Africans in early modern times. 

Zipporah and others were graced to be part of the people of God. The Israelites of the Old Testament were beyond that of ethnic Jews, as even Egyptians were grafted into their community. While she was likely less fair than Moses, a full-blooded Jew, both were recognized as the people of God in the Hebrew Bible. 

As a historical note, one common factor between Judaism and historic Christianity is that both have always embraced the equality of all people within the people of God. For example, Judaism embraces a Gentile converting to Judaism as much an ethnic Jew being recognized Jew. In this sense, both Judaism and Christianity are different than dispensationalism, which is more modern than both, and asserts that being Jewish is simply about one's ethnicity. 

But Esau is not the only example of an Old Testament person having red hair. So did David, and probably Soloman, as I will now argue. 

1 Samuel 16: 12 says that David was ruddy. Soloman's wife described her husband as radiant and ruddy (Song of Soloman 5: 10). Interestingly enough, the Hebrew word for ''ruddy'' is the same word used for red, such as in red blood (Numbers 19: 2, 2 Kings 3: 22)*1. 

                                                  III. Jews in the New Testament

While the New Testament does not tell us explicitly what Jesus looked like (though we have extra-Biblical historical evidence on that further down), we have good reason to believe that he was a redhead. Being the biological son of Mary, the Blessed Virgin, and the non-biological son of Joseph, he was raised by two Jews, who themselves were both descendants of King David. David, of course, had been a redhead. Furthermore, in the Jewish world, one's line of descent came through the bloodline of the mother and since Mary was a descendent of David, Jesus was as well. 

In Matthew 1, the gospel writer was very concerned with his Jewish audience's understanding that Jesus was a descendant of David. This added to Christ's credibility as King of the Jews (John 19: 9). 

Jesus said that salvation is from the Jews (John 4: 22). His primary mission on earth for his first advent was preaching and ministering to the Jewish people. While Jesus never excluded the Gentiles from salvation, the latter were saved because of the Jews. 

At the same time, nevertheless, the New Testament Church did not have a dispensational view of Israel and the church. Paul calls the church the Israel of God (Galatians 6: 16). He did not recognize the unbelieving Jews as having a distinct blessing over those in the church. 

Outside the New Testament, however, are eyewitnesses concerning the physical appearance of many Jews being redheads. If one is to reject these accounts on the grounds that they are not Scripture, then one may as well as reject the accounts of Josephus and Philo of the first-century world, the church history of Eusebius, the historical dating of the composition of the New Testament, or even later accounts of history concerning The Battle of Gebbyturg or the Normandy Campaign. History, though, is not constrained to the writings of the Scriptures and the apostles never taught this. In fact, the Old Testament testifies to many historical accounts outside of Scripture such as the Book of Jasher, which is itself not in Scripture (Joshua 10: 13, 2 Samuel 1: 18). 

                                                                         IV: The Jews in History 

Christian artwork in Medieval Times often depicted Jesus, Judas*2, Mary Magdalen, and other Jews as having either red or golden hair.

During the Spanish Inquisition, the Roman Catholics of Spain hunted down Jews whom they distrusted as being legitimate converts to Christianity. To them, one of the first signs of a Jew was one having red hair. In Medieval art, redheads were often depicted as having red hair and this cannot be assumed as simply an idealized physical image that Europeans upheld, as many medievals were fiercely against the Jews. 

Today, many Jews have red hair including Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook founder) and Seth Rogan (a comedian). It is largely ignorance of Judaism and its history that has led many to conclude that Jews are dark-headed and not white. 

According to the Jewish Encyclopedia, 3% of Jewish women have red hair and 10% of Jewish men have red beards*3. This is not a Christian source or a white Supremacist saying this, but a Jewish source, which also verifies the evidence that many Jews today have red hair. And since red hair is less common now than it was a thousand years ago, we should also naturally conclude that red hair would have been even more common among the Jewish twelve tribes of Isreal. 

Today, red hair is most common among the Ashkenazi and Cohen Jews (the latter being descendants of the Jewish priests). Since Jesus is the Great High Priest (Hebrews 4: 14), it makes sense that He would have resembled those of the Jewish priesthood. 

Although Jesus is often portrayed differently in film history, even the 1966 Hollywood film, King of Kings portrayed Jesus as a redhead. Of course, this was before the American film studios were distorted by political correctness. 

                                                                 V. Conclusion Paragraph: 

Why has all of this been swept under the rug? For two reasons (1) ignorance of the history of Judaism and Christianity, which has been replaced by the presentation of the Jews according to the mainstream media, (2) because the American left is out to replace the white race with minorities, as many of the latter have been decieved by their corruption. 

Anyone who calls out facts that the left doesn't agree with is automatically suppressed as a hater and bigot. The Washington Post's slogan is ''Democracy Dies in Darkness'' is most true, but not in the way they mean it. The left leaves no room for any narrative which they don't subscribe to. 

Finally, saying Jesus was white is not about endorsing the Republican or Democratic Parties' platforms. It's also not about white supremacy. It's a historical fact. Those who portray Jesus differently than how He is portrayed in the Scriptures are breaking the Second Commandment, by making a contrary image of Christ to that of the Scriptures. On the contrary, those who defy historical accounts, are not the ones being deceitful. Rather, leftist racists are deceitful, as they attempt to change how history has understood both Jesus and the Jewish people. 





  1. A very interesting, light-hearted but true blog post. I enjoyed reading it!


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